
How to install software to use your robot

MARRtino Virtual Application and Raspberry image files

Version 1.x

You can use pre-installed operating systems either on a Virtual Machine (VM) or on a Raspberry PI3.

Updates to last version (for both VM and Raspberry)

Last version released: 1.8.0

The updates must be run on VM and (if any) on Raspberry.

0. To verify which version is installed on VM or Raspberry run: echo $MARRTINO_VERSION

1. Move to or create an install folder in the home directory

cd install

If the folder does not exist (you have a very old version), create it and download the update script.

mkdir install
cd install
wget -N

2. Run the update script


3. Confirm update to new version (if you want) and use the following password when needed

Password: marrtino

4. Execute again the update script if needed to reach the latest version.

Full downloads

Virtual Machine (Before the import of the VM, install VirtualBox 5.2.x + Extension Pack 5.2.x)

Last version available: MARRtino-v1.8.0

User: ubuntu, Password: marrtino

Raspberry PI3

1) Download boot and root images

Version 1.2 : boot_partition (64 MB) - root_partition (10 GB)

2) Insert SD card and create 3 partitions (e.g. using gparted) as shown below

P1) fat16, 64 MiB, Flags: boot, lba, (/dev/mmcblk0p1, /dev/sdb1), label PI_BOOT

Sectors: First: 2048 Last: 133119 Total: 131072

* flags can be set after format

P2) ext4, 10000 MiB, (/dev/mmcblk0p2, /dev/sdb2), label PI_ROOT

Sectors: First: 133120 Last: 20613119 Total: 20480000

P3) ext4, 20.34 GiB, (/dev/mmcblk0p3, /dev/sdb3), label data

Sectors: First: 20613120 Last: 63272959 Total: 42659840

3) Download the write script - check that the device names are correct and modify the script if needed - run the following commands

$ sudo bash
$ ./writeimg.bash raspi3_marrtino_v1.2

4) Put SD card in Raspberry, (for first setup, attach HDMI cable to a monitor) and boot it

User: ubuntu, Password: marrtino

5) Configure the network if needed.

Plug the Raspberry PI to an HDMI monitor, boot the Raspberry PI, configure the network locally and then use ssh to connect to it.